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Tips on Runninng a Sucessful Etsy Shop

Amazon Handmade Best Practices bootstrapping business crafting diy entrepreneur etsy etsy seller Etsy Success etsy tips finance goal digger handmade investing leather Leather Industry Money retirement self employed selling on etsy shopify small business Small Business Tips work at home work from home

Tips on Runninng a Sucessful Etsy Shop

    I recently celebrated 10,000 Etsy sales on Christy Wright’s Business Boutique and many members had a few questions or requested that I share a few tips. I figured that it would be easiest to condense everything in one post instead of posting comment by comment.MY ONLY REGRET: Not committing to my shop sooner. While I reserved my name on Etsy on June 1st, 2012, I didn't set up my shop until May 21st of 2014. This was a mistake. I should have dived right in.However, In 2012 I did not understand Etsy’s potential. No one would share real...

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Tony Robbins - Money Master the Game

Books dollar-cost averaging finance goal digger investing Investing & Finance investors ira Miracle Morning Money new to investing retirement roth ira self employed small business stock tips vanguard VDIGX

Tony Robbins - Money Master the Game

Tony Robbins epic 20 hour read Money Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom was very informative, especially to a newer investor willing to consume any reasonable advice on the subject. Though drawn out at times and a bit of an over done promotion for a few products (fixed index annuities); I thoroughly enjoyed the interview section (minus Tony's repetitious response of "awesome") and the detailed portfolio breakdowns from so many successful advisors. I found the chapter on dollar-cost averaging most beneficial. This tiny part of Tony's huge novel inspired me to auto-invest to our SEP and IRAs...

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How to Set Up Instagram Ads and Hiring (Cheap) Help

advertising on facebook advertising on instagram etsy seller etsy success hiring help selling on etsy

How to Set Up Instagram Ads and Hiring (Cheap) Help

Instagram ads are somewhat hard to figure out. I consider myself to be able to understand most concepts. But when reading the entire Instagram Advertising website it was still quite confusing as to where to start. So I hired Kit. Kit is my virtual marketing assistant. And is now my #1 amigo when it comes to advertising on Instagram and Facebook. Kit works with my Shopify, Etsy, Big Cartel, Instagram, Facebook and more! It is amazing. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Simply connect your phone to Kit and sent text messages to set up ads, market your products, post to Facebook, update your business...

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Etsy and Copycats - The Problem of Design Stealing on Etsy

business copycats on etsy crafting etsy etsy seller etsy success leathercraft selling on etsy

Etsy and Copycats - The Problem of Design Stealing on Etsy

If you sell on Etsy and become even marginally successful, it is a given that you will encounter copycats. Design thieves. Unimaginative pathetic morons. Whatever you like to call them.A few months back I came across a seller that offers leather luggage tags. Every single design was copied from an established Etsy seller. They copied six of my designs.When I asked them to remove the listings, they replied “but i want to said is design myself”. (seller is located in China).No. You did not design it yourself. Copying my exact listing titles is a dead giveaway that you copied the...

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Who or What is Successful on Etsy?

100k a year on etsy Best Practices discipline due diligence etsy etsy seller Etsy Success Leather Industry selling on etsy small business Small Business Tips sobriety success on etsy trending trending on etsy trends what sells on etsy work at home

Who or What is Successful on Etsy?

How do you define success on Etsy? Is it possible to make a living on Etsy? Yep. My main Etsy shop shop grossed $90,000+ revenue in 2015. In 2016, my sales have increased by 33.41%, well on track to clear $120,000+ revenue in 2016. But how could I ever know if that is considered to be “successful” among the 1.5 million sellers on Etsy? Etsy’s new rules allow for the use of manufacturing and staff (gasp!). If I am doing $100k a year as a single maker operated business, there must be hundreds of shops making 5x-10x that amount. It...

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