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Exsect Inc. — shopify

Tips on Runninng a Sucessful Etsy Shop

Amazon Handmade Best Practices bootstrapping business crafting diy entrepreneur etsy etsy seller Etsy Success etsy tips finance goal digger handmade investing leather Leather Industry Money retirement self employed selling on etsy shopify small business Small Business Tips work at home work from home

Tips on Runninng a Sucessful Etsy Shop

    I recently celebrated 10,000 Etsy sales on Christy Wright’s Business Boutique and many members had a few questions or requested that I share a few tips. I figured that it would be easiest to condense everything in one post instead of posting comment by comment.MY ONLY REGRET: Not committing to my shop sooner. While I reserved my name on Etsy on June 1st, 2012, I didn't set up my shop until May 21st of 2014. This was a mistake. I should have dived right in.However, In 2012 I did not understand Etsy’s potential. No one would share real...

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New Shopify Store

entrepreneur etsy seller Etsy Success new shopify shop shopify small business smallbiz

I opened a new EXSECT SHOPIFY STORE over the weekend. Although it seemed fairly easy to set up, importing from Etsy is a nightmare. After fixing all of the prices, variations, spacing in the listings, titles and links... I discovered last night that ALL of the tags have underscores in them instead of spaces. What a pain. Sometimes I truly get tied of doing everything myself. I wish I could pass off the most tedious tasks to SOMEONE and have confidence that they will actually be done correctly. Off to fix tags for HOURS!  

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Etsy's New 2016 Storefront Layout

etsy seller Etsy Success new etsy layout new etsy shop new etsy storefront shopify

As a seller, I am unsure what to think of Etsy's new shop layout that will be going live to all shoppers on April 5th, 2016. To me it looks HUGE and involves an eternity of scrolling. However, I doubt it will effect much of anything and Im sure I will get used to it in no time. It did inspire me to open a Shopify store, though I have no idea what I am doing and don't have much time to fiddle with it. Out with the old, in with the new!     

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