Exsect Inc. — get featured on instagram
An Experiment with Paid Instagram Advertising and Etsy
etsy seller Etsy Success get featured on instagram instagram advertising instagram feature paid instagram adverising small business Small Business Tips Uncategorized work at home work from home
For January 2016 I set a goal to target Instagram accounts with high amounts of followers for paid advertising and gave myself a $200 budget. I personally have 13.7k Instagram followers (@aminabaker.exsect) and have always had great success with sales when posting items on my Instagram account. Why not target a much larger audience that just my personal followers? I contacted Instagram accounts created and managed by private persons who curate handmade items. They offer to feature your item/shop/story for a fee. Usually $15-30 a feature. The fee guarantees the featured spot vs. wishful tagging and crossing my fingers for...